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My name is Stacy Maracas.  Ive been in SL over 18 years!!

I am a female combat Veteran, Desert Storm, US Army.
I have worked for the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs for almost 13 years, and I am a Veteran's Outreach Program Specialist with the Vet Center in Lake Havasu, Arizona.


I  would like to invite my brothers and sisters in Second Life to the new non-profit Sim I have opened with the help of the Lindens.
I have created an entire region specifically for education on Veteran matters, camaraderie, and HELPING YOU.  ANYTHING you need to know that deals with being a Veteran, the information is here.  That same information, help & guidance is there as well for family members and even supporters of Veterans!  ALL are welcome!


Not only the info that is always updated and current, but we will have events, guest speakers that are Veterans and speak our language.  Guest speakers from the VA, and guest speakers from EchoVets Band of Brothers, which is also the name of the sim.

EchoVets is a very real organization (5013C non-profit) that started in California, and is now in Arizona, Tennessee, and now, Second Life :)

I am the Co-President of the organization, as-well-as, the Chapter President in Arizona and now here in SL.  There are photo boards on the sim showing the RL Band of Brothers and what we do, how bad ass cool our jerseys are, and how we have each others 6. Also find the kiosks with info about us, my contact information, and all the information you might need.


There is a saying....The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.

I found my why, and it is not only providing knowledge but taking action and literally helping every Veteran that needs it with the "system".  I am that person that does not care what someones status is, if it will help my brothers and sisters then I am in their face, I have a voice and I use it.  On top of that, I KNOW the system, and I spend everyday ensuring all of YOU are taken care of and receiving the benefits you earned and deserved.

I am about giving a hand UP not OUT, I don't do entitled nor fakes very well, and if i have to use my Drill Sergeant voice I will without hesitation.  

This is about helping YOU, and helping EACH OTHER, Thats what EchoVets Band of Brothers stands for, and as an employee of the Vet Center, I stand behind that everyday, in and out of work.


Come to the sim, check it out. I look forward to meeting you.  Walk around, find all the cool stuff here, and I am here to talk to you, help you, and be there for you, in this world or the other one.
See you soon!

Stacy Maracas



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